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Dr. Harasit Kumar Paul
Department of Dermatology & Venereology
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1) Tabassum Nasrin, Nargis Akhtar, Nandita Ghosh, Harasit Kumar Paul, Correlation of plasma D-dimer concentration with severity of patients systemic sclerosis, Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists. , 2021, 31, 447-453.
2) Hasan Mahmud, Farhana Rahman, Md Saif Ullah Khan, Farhana Wahab, Rehnuma Nasim, Nandita Ghosh, HarasitKumar Paul, Carotid artery intima-media thickness in psoriatic patients and its relation to severity and duration of the disease, Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists. , 2021, 31, 358-365
3) Fatema Khatun, Zakir Ahmed, Harasit Kumar Paul, Zinat Amin, Sazzad Zayed., Profile of mean platelet volume, neutrophil - lymphocyte ratio and platelet - lymphocyte ratio in patient with psoriasis, International Journal of Research in Dermatology , 2021, 7(6), 765-770
4) Yasmin Ara Zaman, Shourav Dutta, Swarna Tribedi, A. T. M Asaduzzaman, Harasit Kumar Paul, A 15-year-old boy presented with large cerebriform hyperpigmented plaque over scalp, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal, 2020, 13(1), 18-21
5) Nandita Ghosh, Tabassum Nasrin, Hasan Mahmud, Harasit Kumar Paul, Efficacy and safety of low dose Methotrexate in the treatment of chronic hand eczema, Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists , 2020, 30, 3-8
6) Begum Bodrun Sultana, Harasit Kumar Paul, Efficacy and safety of platelet rich plasma therapy in male androgenetic alopecia., Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists., 2020, 30, 375-81
7) Biswas SK, Biswas T, Khondakar N, AlamMR, Rahim MA, Paul HK, Hasan MN, Bhuiyan AKMM, Evan's syndrome: A case report., Bangladesh Medical Journal, 2018, 47(3), 37-40
8) Hosain MB, Alam MR, Paul HK, Biswas SK, Shahin MA, Aetiological diagnosis of pleural effusion: A cross sectional study., Bangladesh Medical Journal, 2018, 47(2), 29-34
9) Md. Shafiqul Islam, Harasit Kumar Paul, Activities of institutional quality assurance cell of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University , Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal [ONE-STAR rated by Journal Publishing Practices and Standards (JPPS) (assessed: 2017-11-01)] , 2018, 11, 315-321
10) Md. Shafiqul Islam, Harasit Kumar Paul., IQAC activitiesbook 2015-2018, Book, 2018, Nil,
11) Paul HK, Zakaria ASM, Akhtar N, Islam MT, Oral mini-pulse (OMP) prednisolone in the treatment of severe alopecia areata: An open clinical trial., Dhaka Community Medical College Journal, 2017, 06, 3-7
12) HK Paul, N Akhtar, ASM Zakaria, SK Biswas., Generalized verruca vulgaris: A case report., Dhaka Community Medical College Journal, 2017, 06, 29-32
13) BS Hassan, N Akhtar, Hk Paul, C Biswas, M A Hossain, MA Wahab, ASM Zakaria, Rate of metabolic syndrome in psoriasis., Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, 2017, 27, 48-53
14) Ashraf T, Paul HK, Sikder MSS, Zakaria ASM, Bhuiyan SI, Reza Snigdh KS., Efficacy and safety of intralesional triamcinolone acetonide in the treatment of chronic hand eczema , BSMMU J, 2017, 10, 129-131
15) Sayedatun MN, Kabir N, Barua AR, Paul HK., Role of direct immunofluorescence on outer root sheath of hair follicle in monitoring disease activity of pemphigus vulgaris, Journal of Pathology of Nepal., 2017, 7, 1162-1167
16) Chowdhury MMH, MQH Jaigirdar, Asaduzzaman,ATM, Mahmud MM, Choudhury AM, Paul HK. , Clinicopathological study of cutaneous vasculitides. , Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists. , 2014, 24, 8-14
17) ATM Asaduzzaman, AU Sikder, MM Mahmud, H K Paul, MN Islam. , Efficacy and safety of leflunomide in psoriatic arthritis. , Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists., 2014, 24, 51-56
18) SC Hazra, AM Choudhury, ATM Asaduzzaman, HK Paul. , Adverse outcome of methotrexate and mini pulse betamethasone in the treatment of lichen planus. , Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin , 2013, 39, 22-27
19) KG Kibria, MR Alam, HK Paul, M Fariduddin, MA Hasanat. , Pattern of dyslipidemia in hypothyroid patients : A cross sectional study. , BSMMU J, 2013, 6, 156-60
20) MT Islam, HK Paul, SM Zakaria, MM Islam, M Shafiquzzaman. , Epidemiological determinants of psoriasis. , Mymensingh Med J., 2011, 20, 9-15
21) ZM Sarker, AK Mahmud, AJ Chowdhury, MA Hasanat, MR Alam, HK Paul, MR Bhuiyan., Tuberculous pleural effusion. , Mymensingh Med J. , 2011, 20, 66-70
22) SK Biswas, MN Islam, MA Hasanat, HK Paul, ZM Sarker, ABM Abdullah, MAJ Chowdhury, MA Rahim, TAK Mahmood, SA Haq, D-penicillamine and Methotrexate in the treatment of Systemic sclerosis., Bangladesh J Dermatol. Venereol. Leprol. , 2011, 28, 26-34
23) ATM Asaduzzamam, MA Sikder, HK Paul, MN Islam, MM Mahmud, SC Hazra. , Safety of Leflunomide in psoriatic arthritis., Bangladesh J Dermatol. Venereol. Leprol., 2011, 28, 20-25.
24) MA Rahman, ASM Zakaria, HK Paul, KR Ferdoushi. , Cutaneous manifestations of Diabetes Mellitus. , Bangladesh J Dermatol. Venereol. Leprol, 2010, 27, 84-96.
25) TAK Mahmud, HK Paul, ASM Zakaria, MA Rahman, MAJ Chowdhury. , Study on association of cutaneous tuberculosis with pulmonary tuberculosis. , Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull , 2010, 36, 57-60.
26) R Hasan, N Akhtar, M Begum, M E Ali, HK Paul, ASM Zakaria, M M Rashid. , Cutaneous morphological patterns of adverse drug reactions: a study of 50 cases. , Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists , 2010, 20, 206-211
27) N Akhtar, M Begum, AA Saleh, HK Paul, MJ Uddin, AQ Chowdhury. , Cutaneous sporotrichosis: A case report. , Mymensingh Med J , 2010, 19, 458-61.
28) Z Ahmed, RL Banik, HK Paul, QH Jaigirdar, F Begum, SA Chowdhury. , Histopathological changes in different stages of alopecia areata., Mymensingh Med J , 2010, 19, 100-105.
29) HK Paul, AZMM Islam, AM Choudhury, ATM Asaduzzaman, MT Islam., Efficacy of topical tacrolimus on hair regrowth in Alopecia areata: A randomized controlled trial., Bangladesh J Medicine , 2010, 17, 66-69.
30) ASM Zakaria, HK Paul, MA Rahman, MT Islam, AM Choudhury, Topical tazarotene cream (0.1%) in the treatment of facial acne: An open clinical trial, Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull, 2010, 36, 43-46
31) HK Paul, ASM Zakaria, MA Rahman, Abida Sultana, ATM Asaduzzaman, MT Islam, SK Biswas, AM Choudhury. , Pattern of cutaneous tuberculosis: A cross sectional study., Bangladesh J Dermatol. Venereol. Leprol. , 2009, 26, 34-39
32) ASM Zakaria, HK Paul, MT Islam, AZMM Islam. , Epidemiologic profile of alopecia areata - study in a tertiary hospital in Bangladesh. , Bangladesh J Medicine , 2009, 20, 30-34.
33) MT Islam, HK Paul, ASM Zakaria, MJ Islam, AM Choudhury, AZMM Islam. , The evaluation of the socio-demographic and clinical features of psoriasis patients: Study in a tertiary hospital in Bangladesh., Bangladesh J Medicine, 2009, 20, 25-29.
34) ABM Shahidul Alam, SA Sadat, Zakaria Swapan, AU Ahmed, MN Karim, HK Paul, S Zaman., Clinical profile of dengue fever in children. , Bangladesh journal of child health , 2009, 33, 55-58.
35) HK Paul, ASM Zakaria, N Akhtar, MAJ Chowdhury, AU Shikder, AZMM Islam. , Therapeutic options in cutaneous sarcoidosis-A review. , Bangladesh J Medicine , 2008, 19, 63-67.
36) AM Choudhury, HK Paul, SM Shawkot, MS Hoque, E Kabir. , Parry-Romberg syndrome- A case report., Sir Salimullah Med. Coll.J , 2008, 16, 37-39.
37) SK Biswas, TA Shah, AAM Niloy, KM Murshed, HK Paul, MA Shahin, S Islam, ABM Abdullah. , Diagnosis and treatment outcome of tubercular cervical lymphadenitis: Analysis of 61 cases in a private hospital of Dhaka city. , Bangladesh J Medicine , 2008, 19, 8-12.
38) HK Paul, ASM Zakaria, ATM Asaduzzaman, MT Islam, AM Chowdhury, AZMM Islam, Ivermectin: A promising therapeutic weapon to combat parasitic infections., Bangladesh J Medicine, 2008, 19, 24-26
39) M Rahman, N Akhtar, B-N Ahmed, KM Hassan, K Nahar, HK Paul, MT Islam, AZM Shahidulla, KM Shahidul Islam. , Skin diseases in tannery workers of Hazaribagh, Dhaka, Bangladesh: A cross sectional study. Bangladesh J , Dermatol.Venereol.Leprol., 2007, 24, 15-20.
40) M Shafiquzzaman, MT Islam, K Jahan, HK Paul, ASM Zakaria, AZMM Islam. , Cutaneous manifestations of arsenicosis patients: Study in two upazillas in Bangladesh. , Bangladesh J Medicine, 2007, 18, 43-45
41) MT Islam, HK Paul, ASM Zakaria, M Shafiquzzaman, SK Biswas, TAK Mahmud, AZMM Islam. , Treatment of psoriasis: An update. , Bangladesh J Medicine , 2007, 18, 59-63.
42) HK Paul, AM Choudhury, ATM Asaduzzaman, MT Islam. , Alopecia areata- treatment update. , Sir Salimullah Med. Coll. J , 2007, 15, 92-97.