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Dr. Md. Mostaq Mahmud
Assistant Professor
Department of Dermatology & Venereology
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1) Md. Mostaque Mahmud , Shawana Haque, Fixed drug eruption with rupatadine: A rare case report, The Gulf Journal of Dermatology & Venereology, 2023, Volume 30, No.1, 27-29
2) Md Mostaque Mahmud, Prof. Abida Sultana, Aotosomal recessive cutis laxa with inguinal hernia: a rare inherited disorder of connective tissue, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Dermatology , 2022, 2(1), 48-50
3) Md Mostaque Mahmud, Sanchita Biswas, Debatosh Pal, Infantile bullous pemphigoid: A Rare immunobullous disease where tzanck test is a valuable diagnostic aid, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal, 2022, 15(1), 57-60
4) Haque S, Mozaffor M, Mahmud MM, Muttalib MA., Serum Zinc Level in Children Suffering from Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Relationship with Glycemic Control: An Experience from A Tertiary Level Specialized Diabetic Hospital in Bangladesh, Community Based Medical Journal, 2022, 11(2), 80-85
5) Mahmud, M. M. ., Al Mamun, M. A., Hazra, S. C. ., Habib, R. B. ., & Chowdhury, M. M. H. ., Clinico-Histopathological Consistency in Dermatological Diseases. , Bangladesh Medical Journal , 2021, 49(3), 29–34
6) Gopen KK, Mahmud MM, Shaheen A, Evaluation of serum vitamin D level as risk factor for children with autism spectrum disorder , Journal of Neuroscience and Neuropsychology, 2021, 4 (1), 1-10
7) Mostaque Mahmud, Abida Sultana, Abdulla Al Mamun, Alezzandrini syndrome : a very rare pigmentary disorder, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Dermatology , 2021, 1(1), 33-34
8) Sharmin Sultana, Afzalun Nessa, Md. Shahidullah Sikder, Md. Mostaque Mahmud, MHC Gene Polymorphism in Bangladeshi Patients with Vitiligo- a laboratory based cross-sectional observational study, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Dermatology , 2021, 1(1), 3-7
9) Rashed Mohammed Khan, Mostaque Mahmud, Cutaneous Mucormycosis, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Dermatology , 2021, 1(2), 68-74
10) Md. Mostaque Mahmud, Mohammad Tariquzzaman Mia, Shawana Haque, A K M. Rejaul Haque, Mohammed Saiful Islam Bhuiyan, Md. Abdullah-Al-Mamun, THE PATTERN AND OUTCOME OF HOSPITAL-ADMITTED PATIENTS OF DERMATOLOGY IN A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL, Bangladesh Journal of Dermatology Venereology and Leprology , 2021, 38(1), 7-12
11) Mohammed Saiful Islam Bhuiyan, Md. Sahidullah Sikder, Abida Sultana, Mostaque Mahmud, Ashim Kumar Nandy*, Md. Atiqul Haque, Prevalence of psoriasis in Bangladesh: A community based survey, Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists, 2020, 30(1), 39-45
12) Akhter, S., Jaigirdar, M. Q., Mahmud, M. M., Haque, S., & Habib, R., Role of Urinary Calcium and Creatinine Ratio in Assessing Bone Resorption in Lepromatous Leprosy , Bangladesh Medical Journalal, 2019, 48 (3), 28-33
13) Sultana A, Bhuiyan SI, Mahmud MM, Siddique RU, Shawkat SM, Nandi AK., Comorbidities in Patients with Psoriasis, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2019, Oct;28(4), 894-899
14) Sultana A, Bhuiyan MS, Mahmud MM., Pattern of Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions (ACDR) to Systemic Drugs. , Bangladesh Medical Journal. , 2018, 2018;47(3), 32-6.
15) A Sultana, MSI Bhuiyan, MM Mahmud, Rate of Metabolic Syndrome Among Patients with Facial Acanthosis Nigricans, Bangladesh Medical Journal., 2018, 47(2), :12-6
16) Rahman MA, Asaduzzaman AT, Mahmud MM, Chowdhury AM, Rahman MM, Haque MA, Haque S., Role of polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of cutaneous tuberculosis., Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatology, 2018, Dec 13;28(3), 277-83
17) Asaduzzaman AT, Mahmud MM, Rahman MR, Wahab MA, Sharleen N, A case of xanthoma disseminatum: A rare type of non–Langerhans cell histiocytosis., Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatology, 2018, Dec 13;28(3), 371-4
18) Mahmud MM, Rahman MM, Zakaria AS, Sultana A, Chowdhury MM, Throat swab culture in chronic plaque type psoriasis, Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatology, 2016, 9;23(1), 39-41
19) Chowdhury MM, Jaigirdar MQ, Asaduzzaman AT, Mahmud MM, Choudhury AM, Paul HK., Clinicopathological study of cutaneous vasculitides., Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatology, 2016, Nov 29;24(1), 8-14
20) Asaduzzaman AT, Sikder A, Mahmud MM, Pau HK, Efficacy and safety of leflunomide in psoriatic arthritis, Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatology, 2016, Nov 29;24(1), 51-6
21) Mahmud MM, Khandker L, Hossain MS, Rahman MM, Hossain MZ, Characteristics of Lichen Planus in Patients Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangladesh, Journal of Dhaka Medical College, 2012, 21(2), 156-9
22) Khondker L, Hazra SC, Mahmud MM, Khan MS, Hossain MS., Adverse effects associated with sulfasalazine on chronic plaque type psoriasis, Journal of Dhaka Medical College, 2012, 21(1), 28-36
23) Khondker, L., Rahman, M., Mahmud, M., Khan, M., Khan, H., & Kabir, H. , Pattern of acne vulgaris in women, attending in a tertiary care hospital. , Journal of Dhaka National Medical College & Hospital, 2012, 18(1), 18-23
24) Hazra SC, Siddique MR, Khondker L, Khan MS, Mahmud MM., The Role of Combination of 20% Azelaic Acid with 0.05% tretinoin Cream in the Treatment of Melasma, Bangladesh Medical Journal., 2011, 40(2), 26-30
25) Rahman M, Rahman A, Mahmud MM, Hazra SC, Chowdhury MM, Efficacy of pulse therapy of oral fluconazole in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, Journal of Dhaka National Medical College & Hospital, 2011, 17(2), 25-9